Corporate Finance

Some of the important decisions you make within your company are investment decisions and/or financing decisions. The future of your company will depend on these decisions, on the way you manage your money.

Lanxoria helps you: to identify new (growth) opportunities, to determine where to invest, when to invest and how to finance these investments. We’ll find out which the period of investment recovery is and we’ll analyse the profitability of the investment.

The questions the entrepreneurs and the company’s management ask themselves or should ask themselves about financing are the following:

What shall we do? Shall we get loans from the bank or shall we finance with equity capital?

Shall we do capital increase? Shall we issue bonds?

What are the effects of the company’s indebtedness?

We want to reduce the costs within the company, but without "destroying our business".

Are we a company with below average, average or above average profit?

We want to increase the value of the shares on the stock market. What shall we do?

How can we reduce the financial risk?

What is the cashflow value ("the oxygen, the blood of the company")?  

We can help you answer these questions and take the best decisions that will contribute to the growth of the company’s profitability.

We offer expertise:

Company Performance Analysis

Financial Diagnosis

Investment  Analysis and Project Valuation

Return of Investment
Capital Management   
Source of Capital
Financial Risk Management

Economic Rate of Return vs. Financial Rate of Return
Strategies for Growing your Business

Exit Strategy 
Dividend Policy  
When and why to go public
Working Capital 
Maximize  Shareholder Value                                                                                                                                                                    

Call us: +40 743 825245